What is Midway Physics Day?

Participation Information

Midway Physics Day Photo Album

Ride Analysis


What is Midway Physics Day?

Midway Physics day was created by Professor Richard Childers (pictured below, right) to provide a fun lesson in physics for high school students from around the state of South Carolina. During the fall, high schools from around the state are invited to spend a day with the University of South Carolina Physics Faculty and students riding the Midway rides and discussing the physics of the forces involved


Midway Physics Day is about communicating the excitement of physics to the community. Physics department professors volunteer their time to help explain the physics of the amusement park rides and answer any questions.

Members of the Society of Physics Students (pictured below) act as "physics mentors" to the high school students as they perform measurements of the amusement rides. This outreach activity won the SPS Marsh White award for our local SPS chapter in 1999.

Page originally created by David J. Tedeschi