Milind N. Kunchur, Ph.D., APS Fellow
Selected Honors and Professional Activities
South Carolina
Professor of the Year
highest honor for academia)
George Pegram
Medal for the Southeast United States (for excellence
in the 10-state region)
CASE and Carnegie Foundation "U.S. Professors of the Year" Award
Press Club
press-conference photo)
Michael J. Mungo
Distinguished Professor of the Year
(the university’s most prestigious award)
Michael A. Hill Outstanding Faculty Member of the Year Award
(students' top choice for all years of college)
Center for Teaching Excellence Letter of Commendation
Mungo Undergraduate Teaching Award
Fellow of the
American Physical Society
paragraph for citation)
Russell Award for Research in Science, Mathematics, and Engineering
Martin-Marietta Publication and Technical Achievement Award
Ralph E. Powe
National Research Council Senior Fellowship
President of
SACS section of American Association of Physics Teachers
Advisory Board Member of Physica C Journal
National Science Foundation Panelist
Strategic Research
Panelist for the U.S. Department of Energy
High-Resolution Audio
Panelist for the
Audio Engineering Society
Selected Invited
Talks at International
Conferences (over 150 total invited/keynote talks)
4 invited
talks (at Annual Meetings of the American Physical Society): Los Angeles, CA;
Austin, TX; Minneapolis, MN; and Seattle, WA, U.S.A.
"Audio Engineering
Society Convention" in Helsinki, Finland
Conference on Materials Research" in Incheon-Seoul, South Korea
"International Conference on
Superconductivity for Energy"
in Paestum, Italy
"NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Nanotechnology" in Yalta, Ukraine
"The 57th Annual Department of Atomic Energy – Solid State
Physics Symposium" in Mumbai, India
"Audio Engineering
Society Convention" in London, U.K.
International Conference on Nanoscience and
Engineering in Superconductivity"
in Tsukuba, Japan
"Energy Materials Nanotechnology Meeting" in Prague, Czech Republic
"Collaborative conference on 3D and Materials Research" in Busan, South Korea
"International Conference on Vortex matter in nanostructured superconductors" in
Crete, Greece
"19th General Conference of the EPS Condensed Matter Division" in Brighton,
"International Workshop on Unconventional
Superconductors" in Campinas, Brazil
"Workshop on Vortex Dynamics and Dissipation" in Budapest, Hungary
"Workshop on the Microscopic Structure and Dynamics...Superconductors" in
Dresden, Germany
"Advances in superconductivity and its Applications to Microwaves Conference" in
Delhi, India
"Superconductivity Conference" in San Louis Potosi, Mexico
International Conference on Materials and Mechanisms of Superconductivity" in
Houston, TX, U.S.A.
Research areas (downloadable publications)
Superconductivity and nano-structured
materials (downloadable publications)
Download tutorial/review article on superconductivity basics
Teaching activities
Survey: "Share Your Views on College Teaching"
Workshop on Student-Centric Teaching
3-Camera Remote Teaching Platform for Online Classes
Guidelines on how to teach and give presentations
Courses taught
Physics 155: Musical Acoustics
Physics 155L: Acoustics Laboratory
Physics 201: General Physics I
Physics 202: General
Physics II
Physics 207: Principles of Physics II
Physics 211: Essentials of Physics I
Physics 212: Essentials of Physics II
Physics 309: Classic Experiments in Physics
Physics 441: Undergraduate Seminar Training course
Physics 512: Solid State Physics
Physics 730: Graduate Seminar Training course
750A: Films
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