Workshop on
"Theoretical Problems in Fundamental Neutron Physics"

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Scientific Program

Final Program


Unitarity of the CKM matrix
S&T and other non standard couplings
Radiative effects in nuclear beta decay
Exotic decay channels and neutron/antineutron oscillation
Nucleon nucleon weak interactions
Weak meson coupling constants
Hadronic weak interactions
CP and violation
Cosmic baryon asymmetry and electric dipole moment
 Program Committee

D. J. Bowman, LANL
P. Herczeg, LANL
B. Holstein, University of Massachusetts Amherst
S. Gardner, University of Kentucky
C. R. Gould, North Carolian State University
G. Green, University of Tennesse/ORNL
V. Gudkov, University of South Carolina
M. J. Ramsey-Musolf, CALTECH
M. Snow, Indiana University

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