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  • Що таке інтернет семінари?
  • Як послухати цей семінар?
  • Як послухати разом з колегами в Києві?



Next seminar


April 14, 2016

Yuri Ralchenko 

Group leader, Atomic Spectroscopy Group

National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)


17:00 Ukraine (16:00 European time, 10 AM EST)

Seminar link:

More details


Physics Research at NIST

and the Foreign Guest Researcher Program

I will describe the current physics research at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). From quantum computing to atomic clocks to condensed matter physics, NIST scientists are at the forefront of modern research, and the four Nobel prizes received by NIST physicists over the last 20 years point out to the impressive achievements in this field. Also I will briefly describe the Foreign Guest Researcher program at NIST and the opportunities it offers to foreign scientists.



Previous seminars

Feb. 24, 2016

Steven Bergen (CRDF Senior Program Manager)

CRDF Global: Supporting Science in Ukraine and Worldwide


Dec. 9, 2015

Oleg Lavrentovich.

Statics and dynamics of colloidal particles in liquid crystals.

 Video recording on the APS Channel


Nov. 27, 2015

Pascal Febvre.

Recent developments in superconducting electronics at the University of Savoie Mont Blanc


Nov. 12, 2015

Mikhail Katsnelson.

The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Quantum Theory: Logical Inference Approach

 Video recording on the APS Channel