Time: 3:30 PM, Fri, Feb. 24 Place: Sumwalt 120A (Nanocenter, small conference room) Speaker: Dr. V.R. Shaginyan (Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Gatchina 188300 Russia) Title: Discovering Strongly Correlated Spin Liquid In the insulator herbertsmithite ZnCu3(OH)6Cl2, an exotic quantum spin liquid (QSL) is formed with such hypothetic particles as fermionic spinons carrying spin 1/2 and no charge. We analyze the thermodynamic and relaxation properties, and unveil the fundamental properties of QSL, forming strongly correlated Fermi system. The key features of our findings are the presence of spin-charge separation and QSL formed with itinerant spinons in herbertsmithite. Herbertsmithite represents a fascinating experimental example of a new strongly correlated insulator when new particles-spinons, non-existing as free ones, dominate its properties at low temperatures. As a result, the low-temperature thermodynamic, heat transport and relaxation properties of herbertsmithite are similar to those of metals rather than of insulators. [1] V. R. Shaginyan, A. Z. Msezane, and K. G. Popov, Thermodynamic properties of the kagome lattice in herbertsmithite, Phys. Rev. B 84, 060401(R) (2011).