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Muon ATLAS Micromegas Monitoring/Analysis Framework

Screen-shots of monitoring interface

Event Viewer showing strips:channels with signals (in pink)

Run Summary: Data quality histograms: Beam profile, pedestal, sampling time, peak amplitude among others

Channel to Strip Mapping / Front End Card Controller

Access to e-logbook Entries


ATLAS muon chambers using MicroMegas technology is a CERN (internal) R&D project. Its aimed at replacing the existing end-cap inner layer muon tracking chambers in high rapidity region with a new set of chambers based on one of the micro-pattern gas detector (MPGD) technology (MicroMegas). This upgrade is driven by sLHC where the increased beam luminosity and center-of-mass energy bring about high rates of particle incidence and high background of photons and neutrons which render the measurement of muon tracks very challenging. Prototype chambers were designed and are being built and tested at the CERN test-beam facility (2007 - present).
I have had an opportunity to participate and contribute toward test-beam data-analysis efforts during 2008 - 2010. One of the projects that I co-authored is the Muon ATLAS MicroMegas Analysis analysis framework.


  1. Provide a framework to convert the raw data collected using two different data-acquisition (DAQ) systems into a single ROOT tree for data analysis.
  2. A user-friendly graphical user interface (GUI) for monitoring the quality of data collected in test-beam runs by performing quick reconstruction. The monitoring program should be able to access electronic logbook (e-log).
  3. Navigate event-by-event or a block of events for a given run and view the details - charge amplitude and time measurements for strips in the chamber.
  4. Provide a user-analysis template to analyze these ROOT-tuples for chamber performance studies.


Integrate the two DAQ libraries coherently into ROOT framework. Design light-weight ROOT/C++ classes to hold the information - strips, channel-to-strip mapping, clusters, tracks and ancillary (e-log and weather information). Perform reconstruction - fit and extract signal amplitude, peaking time, width for each strip, do clusterization and store clusters, strips for user-analysis. Book and fill monitoring histograms for each run and display results. Populate chamber and run configuration and e-log entries as C++ objects and store them in the ntuple. Design a simple GUI for navigation and data-quality assessment. Provide a Python wrapper to invoke and configure the application.

Code, Documentation and Tutorials

Code is located in SVN repository. Documentation and tutorials are in this twiki (same in pdf format).


Venkat Kaushik, Woochun Park

Muon Chamber Performance

Below are two papers that resulted from the performance studies