University of South Carolina

Physics 202 Syllabus   Fall 2010

Sections 001 & 002

Professor in charge: Dr. E. R. Jones
PSC 301- tel. 777-6714
Office hours: MWF 9:00-10:00, 11:00-12:00, & by appointment

Class time: Mon., Wed., Fri. from 10:10 AM till 11:00 AM, PSC 002
CAPA tutorial: Sect. 001 Wed. 11:15 AM - 12:05 PM, PSC 208;   Sect. 002 Thur. 11:00 AM - 11:50 AM, PSC 208

The schedule.

Welcome survivors.   As survivors of PHYS 201, you know that PHYS 202 is the second semester of a one-year course in physics. The text will be the same, Contemporary College Physics, 3rd ed., by Jones and Childers (McGraw-Hill, New York, NY, 2001). We will try to cover most of the remaining chapters of the text in PHYS 202. The topics will include electromagnetism, optics, relativity, and foundations of quantum physics.

Regular class attendance is demanded. Please be on time. Try not come late nor leave early. You are responsible for all material covered and/or assigned in class. If you should miss class, it is your responsibility to determine assignments, etc., and get them completed. More than three absences may result in a reduced grade. You are also responsible for understanding all classroom demonstrations.

There will be extensive individualized homework assignments using LONCAPA. The homework results will be submitted via computer using LONCAPA.You may submit your work from any computer linked to the internet. You are expected to attend the Wednesday tutorial and CAPA sessions regularly. You should strive to keep up with the pace of the class, both in your reading and in working homework problems. Be sure to submit your homework before the assigned deadlines. Pay attention to the deadlines. Especially, don't wait until the last minute assuming that nothing will go wrong. After all, computers and networks regularly fail.

Three one-hour tests, scheduled in advance, will also be given. There will be no make-up tests. The final exam will be cumulative and will contain problems from the entire course. LONCAPA will be used for all testing.

Please speak up in class. If you don't understand something, it is likely that others don't also. So take an active part in class and ask questions. Class time should be spent in developing your understanding of the physical concepts. Getting problems worked is normally left to the CAPA/tutorial sessions. However, if you need to see problems worked in class, ask for them. But remember, you must understand the concepts before you can reliably work the problems. It is your responsibility to raise questions to clarify points that you do not understand. You are expected to prepare for class by reading the chapter ahead of time and by working problems. See the schedule.

Grading will be strictly on merit! Need, wishes, looks, age, etc. will not count. The grades will be derived from the factors below with the weighting shown:


The grade scale will be: A > 90 > B > 80 > C > 70 > D > 60 > F.

Note: A passing grade on the final exam is required for passing the course, even if the average is otherwise acceptable.

The laboratory is a separate registration. Concurrent enrollment in the laboratory is required unless you are a pharmacy major. The laboratory grade is completely separate from the course grade. You are expected to attend all lab meetings.

Although we cover many different topics in this course, they are related. Moreover, you will need the tools and comcepts that you learned in PHYS 201, especially vectors, dynamics, conservation laws, and wave motion. By the end of the course you should be able to look back over the entire course and see the relationships that were not obvious on the way through.

By now you have found that there is only one way to do well in Physics: That is to study regularly, work the problems, keep up in class, and thoughtfully review each chapter as you complete it. Remember, the content builds as you go along. It is vitally importance to master the ideas at each step. Poor grasp of early concepts will limit your ability to understand later ones! You cannot survive on your short-term memory and skills of last-minute cramming.

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Last Modified 08/23/10