Jeeva S. Anandan



ADDRESS                         Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC 29208, U.S.A.


                                                Phone: 1-803-777-4985, Fax: 1-803-777-3065, E-mail:


EDUCATION                  PhD, Physics                                                     University of Pittsburgh (1978)

                                                MS, Physics (GPA: 4.0/4.0)                 University of Pittsburgh (1973)

                                    BSc, Mathematics (First Class)             University of Colombo (1970)



EMPLOYMENT         Professor:

                                       Univ. of South Carolina, Columbia (July 1990 - present)

                                    Associate Professor:

                                       Univ. of South Carolina, Columbia (Jan. 1986 - June 1990)

                                    C.N.R.S. Fellow:

                                       Institut Henri Poincare, Paris (July-Dec. 1985)

                                    Postdoctoral Fellow:

                                       Max Planck-Institute for Physics and Astrophysics, Munich (Sept. 1982-July 1985)

                                       University of California, Berkeley (Sept. 1980-Aug. 1982)

                                       University of Maryland (Sept. 1978-Aug. 1980)

                                    Assistant Lecturer in Mathematics, University of Colombo (1970-72).


AWARDS AND          Fulbright Distinguished Scholar Award in the United Kingdom, 2001,

HONORS                    F.C. Donders Chair at the University of Utrecht, Holland, for 1998,     

(ACADEMIC)             Elected Fellow of the American Physical Society (1994),

                                    Russell Research Award in Science and Engineering for outstanding scholarly achievement

                                    by the University of South Carolina (1992),

                                    Elected as Visiting Scholar of Wolfson College, University of Oxford (1990),

                                    Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellowship (1989),

                                    C.N.R.S. (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique) Fellowship in France (Jul.-Dec. 1985),

                                    First Prize in the 1983 international essay competition of the Gravity Research Foundation, Massachusetts,

                                    Second Prize in the 1981 international essay competition of the Gravity Research Foundation, Massachusetts,

                                    A.W. Mellon Fellowship (1973-76).


PERSONAL                Health:                                      Excellent

                                    Citizenship:                               U. S. A.


ACTIVITIES               Worked for the National Science Foundation (2001).

                                    President of the American Chapter of Indian Physics Association (1997-2000)

                                    President of the Mathematical Society, Universiy of Colombo (1969)

                                    Represented Sri Lanka in Swimming (1967),

                                    Captained Swimming and Waterpolo teams at the University of Colombo (1967-68)

                                    Winner of the Major Section in Chess Nationals of Sri Lanka (1967)



REFERENCES            Professor Yakir Aharonov                    Professor Leo Stodolsky

                                    Physics Department                              Director at the Theory Division

                                    Tel Aviv University                               of the Max Planck-Institute      

                                    Ramat Aviv, Israel                                for Physics and Astrophysics

                                    and Dept. of Physics                             Postfach 40212

                                    University of South                               D-8000 München 40

                                    Carolina, Columbia,                              Germany

                                    SC 29208, U.S.A.                              


                                    Professor Sir Roger Penrose                 Professor Sir Michael Berry

                                    Mathematical Institute                           University of Bristol

                                    University of Oxford                             H. H. Wills Physics Laboratory

                                    24-29 St. Giles                                     Royal Fort, Tyndall Ave.

                                    Oxford OX1 3LB                                 Bristol BS8 1TL

                                    U.K.                                                    U.K.


                                    Professor Chen Ning Yang                   Professor John A. Wheeler

                                    Institute for Theoretical Physics             Department of Physics

                                    State University of New York               University of Texas

                                    Stony Brook, NY 11794-3800            Austin, TX 78712

                                    U.S.A.                                                 U.S.A.