What? | When? | Where? |
Lecture | T+TH 8:30-9:45 am | PSC 201 |
Laboratory | T 2:50-5:50 pm | NGB 115 |
Office Hours | T+TH 10:00-11:30 am | PSC 704d or PSC 404 |
Particles and Nuclei: An Introduction to the
Physical Concepts (Mandatory), Povh and Rith, Springer Verlag,
ISBN: 3662463202, 7th Edition (2015), or any older edition,
ISBN: 3540793674, 6th Edition (2008),
or 5th Edition (2006), or 4th Edition (2004),
or 3rd Edition (2002).
Techniques for Nuclear and Particle Physics
Experiments, W.R. Leo, Springer Verlag, ISBN: 0387572805,
2nd Edition (1994) or any
other Edition.
Subatomic Physics, Frauenfelder and Henley,
Prentice Hall, ISBN: 0138594309, 2nd Edition (1991) or any other Edition.
There will be 9 to 10 homework assignments, typically on Tuesdays, with extra problems for graduate students. The deadline for submission is typically the following Tuesday. For homework sets, changes, and updates go to Homework. Relevance: 100 points and 20% of your course score.
The chapters covered in class should be read prior to the lecture. 2 to 6 short quizzes will be given at any time. They are intended to help keep your reading up to date. Each quiz comprises questions of the recent lectures and the reading assignment. For reading assignments, changes, and updates go to Homework. Your average quiz grade and your participation in class will count towards 10% of your course score.
One midterm test will be given during lecture time. The test will comprise
conceptual and problem solving questions. Relevance: Each 100 points
and 15% of your course score.
Dates: 2/27 Thursday.
Oral presentations of your reading assignments during the lectures (two for graduate and one for undergraduate students). Relevance: 10% of your course score.
Keeping a logbook of your laboratory work including short write-ups
is required.
Relevance: 15% of your course score.
The final exam is comprehensive and will include all material covered
during the semester (lecture and laboratory). All students must take
the final exam.
Relevance: 100 points and 30% of your course score.
Date: 4/30 Thursday at 9:00 am.
Course Score = 0.2*H+0.1*RQ+0.15*T+0.1*P+0.15*L+0.3*F
H, RQ, T1, T2, P, L, and F are based on a 100 point scale.
The following grading scheme is used: A (≥ 90%), B+ (86%-89%), B (80%-85%), C+ (76%-79%), C (70%-75%), D+ (60%-69%), D (50%-59%), and F (< 50%).
All Academic Affairs policies and procedures and the general policies and procedures defined in a variety of USC documents that are related to teaching apply to this course. Particular attention is paid to the following policies and procedures.
Academic Integrity The University of South Carolina has clearly articulated its policies governing academic integrity and students are encouraged to carefully review the policy on the Honor Code in the Carolina Community. Any deviation from these expectations will result in academic penalties as well as disciplinary action. The area of greatest potential risk for inadvertent academic dishonesty is plagiarism. Plagiarism includes, but is not limited to, paraphrasing or direct quotation of the published or unpublished work of another person without full and clear acknowledgement.
Attendance Policy Lecture and Lab attendance are mandatory. Unexcused absence is not allowed and will lower your class participation score, see USC's Attendance Policy . Absence from more than 10% of the scheduled class sessions will lead to a grade reduction of the same magnitude.
Accommodating Disabilities Reasonable accommodations are available for students with a documented disability. If you have a disability and may need accommodations to fully participate in this class, contact the Office of Student Disability Services: Phone 777-6142, Email sadrc@mailbox.sc.edu, or stop by LeConte College Room 112A. All accommodations must be approved through the Office of Student Disability Services.